Monday, September 17, 2012

Tourney Shaky Head Jigs - Quality Fishing Lures

One of the best shaky head jigs on the market:

These are the shaky head jigs that every largemouth bass angler should have in his or her boat.  When those bites get sluggish and you need something to tempt largemouth bass during those difficult tournament moments, you should invest your money into fishing lures that work. would like to present Tourney Jigs to their customers.  Offered in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles, you can literally design your own fishing lures - these shaky head jigs - for your own purposes and needs.  Check out some of the unique colors, hook sizes, and hook weights.

My personal favorite is the Grass Slipper Shaky Head Lure, featured above.  It has a tear-shaped head for slipping through grass and lilly pads where bass are nestled away from aggressively fishing tournament anglers.  Go with the extra weight so you can feel every characteristic of the bottom and when a largemouth strikes, don't be afraid to respond with a powerful hookset. 

Please visit to order these amazing fishing lures.  Please submit pictures of your fish! 

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